
Born 1975, Candice Swallow’s primary practice features layered marks in subtle tones or rich juxtaposing colours, leading to delicate finished drawings. Losing her sight aged thirty-one, Swallow has developed a unique way of working allowing her to maintain her independence. Working on a paper block - she draws with one hand and manipulates the block with the other, caressing the materials whilst working rhythmically. She does not ask for specific colours when drawing, but often chooses colours from a list that is shared with her, brown being her favourite. Her combined colour palettes always blend beautifully, without any deliberate choice. The ‘C’ shape is a recurring motive in her drawings, sometimes clearly used and sometimes fractured within the finished piece, but never intentional.

Swallow works in soft pastels, wax crayons, or thick heavy graphite sticks, applying layers of colour with both hard and softer lines. When drawing, all her senses work in tandem especially her sense of touch, often touching her face when working with the soft pastels, ending up with colour everywhere. Whilst creating, there is often little conversation, as she is focused on what she is producing. Swallow is part of The Partnership, an art studio linked to the Grundy Art Gallery in Blackpool.


Candice drawing in the studio


Click the thumbnails to see larger images and more details. Further artworks are available on request. Click on the button here to listen to an audio description by Harry Baxter, about the style that Candice Swallow works within.

Selected Exhibitions

2023 Instinctive Energies, Mura Ma, Marple
2023 Sky's The Limit, Buzz Hub, St Helens
2023 The Grundy Open, Grundy Art Gallery Blackpool
2022 The Manchester Contemporary, Manchester Central
2022 Abstracted Movements, Abingdon Studios, Blackpool 
2022 Watch This Space, Grundy Art Gallery, Blackpool 
2021 The Grundy Open, Grundy Art Gallery, Blackpool