Arts Mentor Individual Sessions 2021

 In 2020, Jennifer from the Jennifer Lauren Gallery carried out research through questionnaires and online conversations into what disabled, Deaf and neurodivergent artists felt was currently missing and what they would like to see happen to help them along the way. One aspect that came out of this research was a need for more focused mentoring sessions with arts based professionals – to include curators, artists and directors of galleries and museums. This would be to seek advice, learn from them and learn new ways of working and thinking. An arts mentor is an experienced and trusted person to give you advice and guidance in your arts career. These are in addition to the many great mentoring opportunities currently out there.


  • The mentoring sessions are aimed at UK based artists who self-identify as disabled, learning disabled, Deaf and/or neurodivergent.

  • If selected, you will be paired up with a mentor (based on your application) and invited to an online one hour long 1-2-1 session. Jennifer will be a note taker within each session and will share the notes with you afterwards. Each artist will receive just one session.

  • BSL (British Sign Language) interpreters can be booked or if other access support is needed, please make this known when you apply. If a certain time of day is better for you (e.g. morning or afternoon), please make this known.

To be up for selection for this one-off mentoring session funded by Arts Council England, please send the below information to The deadline for submissions is 5pm on Friday 12 March 2021. If you would like to apply in a different format, this can be discussed and is not an issue, so do get in touch with the Jennifer. You will be notified via email if you have been selected or not by Tuesday 23 March 2021.

The three selectors for the mentoring opportunities are: Jennifer Gilbert from the Jennifer Lauren Gallery, disabled artist Christopher Samuel and self-taught artist who had M.E for 25 years Judith McNicol. The selectors will look at the applications independently online and will score against a short set of criteria. Twenty artists will then be selected for the mentoring sessions, with each receiving one hour long individual session.


1.     What would you like advice or guidance on in order to help further your arts career, and how will it benefit you?
(maximum 150 words – can be bullet points if easier)

2.     Has anything arisen in the past that has stopped you being able to further your career?
(maximum 150 words – can be bullet points if easier)

3.     Until now, have you been able to access any other support or funding to help you? And if yes, could you give a very brief outline and state what you learnt from it?
(maximum 150 words – can be bullet points if easier)

4.     Do you have any access requirements that you would need us to source, alongside the note taker that is already provided?

5.     Please state the best time of day for the meeting?

6. Do you have a link to a social media account that your work features on?


Alain Moreau, Villefranche sur Saône in France - MEET THE COLLECTOR Series Part Sixty


David Winter, New York - MEET THE COLLECTOR Series Part Fifty-Nine